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Reclaiming Birth as a Rite of Passage - Rachael Reed's Birth Stories


Reclaiming Birth as a Rite of Passage - with Rachel Reed
The Natural Birth Podcast Season 5

Australias national treasure Dr. Rachel Reed, author, midwife, teacher, speaker and researcher guested The Natural Birth Podcast in January of 2021.

She was just finishing up her book Reclaiming Birth as a Rite of Passage and had just started The Midwife's Cauldron Podcast with Katie James.

And I had the pleasure of interviewing her about her births and pick her cleaver brain on all things birth as a rite of passage.

There's lots of pearls of wisdoms and gems in this conversation, and a lot of laughs as well.

Rachel is just so funny.

I loved our conversation and I hope you'll enjoy listening to it as well.


So let me introduce Rachel to you, if you've been living under a rock for the last few years and don't know this brilliant woman.

Rachel is a mum of two and a midwife and doctor of philosophy committed to the promotion of physiological birth and women’s rights.


In our episode we dive on into her two birth stories.
Her first being a medicalized one and her second a natural home birth.

She had both her babies in the UK where is is from before moving to Australia with her family.

She was a young first time mama, quite naive but trusting in her self and birth.

But unfortunately that trust was not enough to get her a natural birth the first time around.

For her second she was more intentional which lead to her natural home birth, but not without cursing her self for not having access to an epidural as transition hit.


Listen to Rachels hilarious and knowledge packed story on here or find the episode on iTunes, Spotify or Google Podcast.

Your pick ;)


Curious about Rachel?
Find out all about her and what she does in the world here:

Her blog is a wealth of knowledge

You can also find her on instagram as @midwifethinking


Thanks for watching.





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