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Ellen Fisher's 5 Home Birth Stories

May 07, 2023

Birthing Wisdom Galore!

This episode has so many pearls of wisdom it deserved it's on place on my blog.

Today on The Natural Birth Podcast we have Ellen Fisher sharing All of her Home Birth Stories with us in this jam packed video episode!

Ellen is a mama of 5 living on beautiful Hawaii.

She is a home birthing and home schooling mama who loves growing her own food and is a vegan of 16years.

Sheā€™s also a podcast host of her own podcast called The Ellen Fisher Podcast which I very much recommend you check out, and she just launched The Empowered Pregnancy & Birth Course sharing her own birth wisdom as well as that of selected experts.

In todayā€™s episode you get to hear about each of her 5 natural and empowering home births.

She dives on into the pearls of wisdom she gained from each and every one of them and the difference between them.

There is so much valuable birthing wisdom in this episode so strap on in as we dive on into her beautiful birth stories.


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