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Jane Hardwicke Collings - Birthing in Crisis

Oct 16, 2022

Jane Hardwicke Collings - Birthing in Crisis

In this very special episode of The Natural Birth Podcast, Anna has a conversation with Jane Hardwicke Collings, a former midwife and the founder of the school of shamanic woman craft on How to Birth during a Crisis.

This episode came about the same week that the Ukraine war broke out in Europe and the unprecedented flooding in Annas former home state of NSW Australia.

Jane was also affected by the flooding in NSW, but not as badly as other places like of the Northern Rivers, where reports of women birthing on roof tops due to flooding were reaching Anna.

Both Anna & Jane felt deeply for the community they know and love and wanted to offer their help to them, and to pregnant and birthing women from all over the world faced with war and natural disasters leaving them birthing in crisis.

This episode will go into the full process of labour and birth and how to keep it as safe and physiological as possible in the midst of crisis as well as...

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