The Conscious Conception Program

Go on the Waiting List for the Next Round

Waiting List

Do You Want to Become Pregnant this Year?


Maybe you’ve already been trying for a while, or maybe you are in the planning stages?
Then The Conscious Conception Program might be for you!
The Conscious Conception Program is for you who want to truly optimize your health, for a healthy pregnancy and the future health and wellbeing of your baby.
AND Prepare Body, Mind, Heart and Soul to Become the Best Mother you can be for your Spirit Baby!

Is it Time to Invite your Spirit Baby?

With Anna's guidance and amazing group support, you will be given all the knowledge, nurturing and support you need to bring you closer to conceiving your spirit baby.


The Conscious Conception Program

A 12 Week Program

The program will be given over 12 weeks including access to an online portal with bite size video lessons, teaching you years of fertility and conception knowledge in an easily digestible way without the overwhelm, community membership for sisterhood support and weekly LIVE calls with Anna and a group of women on the same conception journey.

Gathering Knowledge

Learn about topics such as Life Style for Optimizing Fertility, Optimizing Egg Quality, Detoxing for Fertility and Conception, Nutrition for Fertility, Exercise for Fertility, Hormone Balance, Fertility & Cycle Awareness and so much more.



Preparing the Body

Learn easy life style changes and beautiful practices that you can introduce to your life in order to increase your fertility and optimize your physical temple and womb to conceive and carry a healthy child and have a healthy pregnancy. You can affect egg quality and impact the future health of your baby!

Preparing the Mind

With mindfulness practices, journaling and reflection practices, meditations and during our LIVE calls we delve into being with the mystery of conception and the unknown. Of exploring fears and anxieties as well as hopes and dreams of pregnancy and motherhood.

Preparing the Heart

Delving into expanding our heart consciousness and inviting our hearts longing to be expressed. Working with mantras, affirmations, visioning and dreaming. We will dive into exploring what kind of mother you want to be to your child.

Preparing the Soul

Through spiritual practices for fertility and conception you will be introduce to weaving a deeper connection to your spirit baby as well as to your self. Deeper soul preparation to become a more conscious parent for your baby.

One Practice a Week

You will be introduced to a new practice a week to gently take steps closer to being ready to conceive your spirit baby. Beyond spiritual practices for fertility and conception there will be womb awakening practices and feminine embodiment practices to prepare your fertile womb soil.

Weekly LIVE Calls


Each week you’ll get Anna's undivided attention and meet with the same group of women that will be doing these life style changes and conscious motherhood preparations together to take you closer to conceiving your spirit baby. 

You don't have to do this journey alone.

Together with this conscious conception sisterhood group you can connect with likeminded sisters on the same path as you.

Share your journey.

Get tips and ideas from other sisters.

And finally implement things that will increase your fertility.

Without the struggle of trying to do all the good things, all at once and all by yourself.

"After working with you I feel so ready to become a mother. I didn't realize I actually held anxiety and fear around motherhood. I was just focused on getting pregnant and thought I'd just deal with what comes next when it comes. But now I feel so very deeply ready and grounded in that this is my next step in life and I feel like I will be an even better mother after this."


"I love the easy practices you teach that make such a difference! My hormones have balanced and my cycle is no longer painful since starting these life style changes and implementing the practices and herbs you recommend, and I feel more emotionally ready to conceive now too after all the work we'e done. "
