This guide is for anyone feeling called to support women through pregnancy, birth, and beyond— and is trying to figure out whether to become a doula, midwife, or a sacred birth worker.
If you’ve been searching for direction, this is your guide!
Download >>>With a 90% Natural Birth success rate, Anna is here to share with you exactly what you need to do to optimize your chances of having a Natural & Empowering Birth.
It's up to You to Claim your Birth Mama!
Ready to do the work?
Then download the 6 steps!
Download >>>Inform yourself and make an Educated Decision!
This is a comprehensive E-Book with 28 full pages for your information and assistance in creating an informed birth plan.
Whether you are having a hospital, birth center or home birth.
A golden gem!
Download >>>A Former Midwife's Top Tips for a Successful Home Birth!
All the things you need to source for a Home Birth
How to Prepare your Birth Space and what you need
The Best Labour Stations and how to Prepare them in your Home
The Best Nourishment in Labour
A Birth Worker's insider tips that will make a world of difference during your labour and birth
Download >>>This List is FULL of Value!
Including list forÂ
50% Complete
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